Friday, December 2, 2011

Grammy's Best Video Category

Since when has the Grammy's had the best video category? I'm not even sure - but its an eclectic mix - Skrillex, Adele, Memory Tapes, Radiohead, OK Go and, yes, Weird "Al" Yankovic.

Do you have a front runner in this category? I'm not advocating making your computer a personal MTV circa 1988 - I've listened to the records more than I've watched any of these music videos - but in 30 minutes you can digest all the Grammy nominees, and, with the exception of Weird Al's parody of Gaga, the nominated videos are synch with quality material.

In some of the videos - there are lots of great special effects (OK Go, Skrillex, Memory Tapes), others have creative dance interpretations, broken dishes and synchronized glass ripples. Prepare to be entertained...

Skrillex - "First of the Year (Equinox)"

Adele - "Rolling In The Deep"

Radiohead - "Lotus Flower"

Memory Tapes - "Yes I Know"

Weird Al Yankovic - "Perform This Way"

OK Go - "All Is Not Lost"

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